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  • Muffin Paper Cups Muffin Paper Cups

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Quick Overview

Decorate muffins simply by using this 100 pcs Muffin Paper Cups pack by Fackelmann. Stripes with two color tone, look attractive on your table. Made from baking paper so its safe for you baking needs.

Material: Paper

Diameter: 10.5 cm (Flat)

Color: Blue & Pink 

Cooking advice: Heat resistance up to 180C

Availability: In stock



Decorate muffins simply by using this 100 pcs Muffin Paper Cups pack by Fackelmann. Stripes with two color tone, look attractive on your table. Made from baking paper so its safe for you baking needs.

Material: Paper

Diameter: 10.5 cm (Flat)

Color: Blue & Pink 

Cooking advice: Heat resistance up to 180C

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